Many women are a lot of research before undergoing surgery to the size of their breasts with saline implants or silicone artificial increase. However, some surgeons do not tell their patients about the extent of complications at home really dangerous or directly that may occur before, during or after surgery. This article describes some possible problems that may arise with their breast implants. Check the list of these problems and consider carefully whether it is worth the risk itself.
Capsular contracture is a condition that refers to scar tissue that affects the breast implant as it heals after surgery. It is quite impossible to predict who will suffer capsular contracture and to what extent. Women who suffer from this problem with their breast implants drives see the wrinkles around the implant.
The scar tissue will not show through the surface of the skin, but perhaps under slight pressure. The woman may complain of a tightness in all the material of the implant, and may even be a very painful experience. The breasts may vary in size and shape and the only way to fix it with surgery. However, women who have experience capsular contracture, when they tend to reproduce with a revision operation.
As with any material in a bag that can be prone to breakage, is included with or without trauma. The debate between saline and silicone breast implants continue to rage, but the truth of the matter, the fracture can be either with hardware. Many of the risks of breast implant rupture includes the technique of the surgeon, the layer of the chest wall into which the implant is placed, and the size of the implant.
Advances in silicone gel breast implants, which are relatively safe, but the leakage is often slower than saline and leaks go undetected for years. This is a potentially dangerous situation and an increased risk of cancer mean for the patient.
Saline breaks often and more quickly done. Side effects of a fraction of a salt solution are relatively benign, but can a rash around the area of the chest or pain belong. Virtually all breast implants to break at least 10 years, can occur at any time. Patients need an MRI for the diagnosis of implant rupture, and all surgeons recommend the immediate removal of the implant material as quickly as possible.
Infection is the most common complication of invasive surgery. Breast implants are not immune to the effects of bacteria on the cuts and the place of injury. Foreign body in the body also has the best chance of the infection moves. It is important to report early signs of infection, the surgeon, so that it can be quickly treated with a round of antibiotics before it spreads. Systemic spread of bacterial infection that is caused by breast implants can be dangerous and cause a shock or gangrene.
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